
  • Barbara Strating & Mieke Derickx

    Beyond beauty

    How does art reflect our community? How does our community express itself through art? Barbara Strating is the new curator of the Arts and Heritage Commission at Maastricht University. She succeeds Mieke Derickx, who is retiring after more than two decades in the role. Here they discuss curiosity...

  • A pair of pants that tear after a year, a laptop that only lasts three years. We keep buying and throwing away and buying. We know it's destroying our planet, but we let it happen. Professor of sustainable business Nancy Bocken investigates how we can break that pattern.

  • Is this stone in the Thermenmuseum Heerlen the oldest board game in the Netherlands? Experts from Heerlen and Maastricht differ in opinion.

  • On 15 July, Maastricht University and GGD Zuid Limburg will say goodbye to Professor Maria Jansen. For many years she has worked to promote health policy with a closer alignment between research and practice. In her farewell speech, Jansen advocates a stronger role for government in improving public...

  • A consortium led by scientists from Maastricht UMC+ is starting clinical trials for an innovative stem cell therapy against genetic muscle disorders and muscle wasting in the elderly, among others. On July 13 and 28, the first two patients with a hereditary muscle disorder of the energy metabolism...

  • After a well-attended event marking the end of the Integrated Sustainability Projects, the Maastricht Sustainability Institute looks back at another successful year of regional collaboration between students and external partners.

  • The Executive Board has appointed Dr Joost Sillen as Professor of Constitutional Law (1.0 FTE) as of 1 September 2022. He succeeds Prof. A.W. Heringa, who has held this chair until April 2022. Joost Sillen currently works as an Associate Professor at Radboud University.

  • The Dutch universities, universitties of applied sciences and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science signed an administrative agreement on 14 July 2022. In doing so, they focus on strengthening the foundations of research and higher education, provide space for diverse talent and increase...

  • The Einstein Telescope will definitely receive 42 million euros from the National Growth Fund. The government previously granted the amount subject to conditions. With the definitive allocation, the preparatory work can continue.


  • In de position paper: ‘Gedragsexpertise is de sleutel tot effectief leefstijlbeleid’, die door veel vooraanstaande organisaties en experts wordt onderschreven, maken gedragsexperts duidelijk dat het essentieel is de rol van gedrag een onmisbaar onderdeel te maken van preventie en zorg.