
  • If you start working less, it will also affect pension accrual. You will have less to spend after you retire. Employees do not give this enough thought.

  • For  the congress "Cast Plaster, Art or Craft?", SRAL will be contributing with the lecture  'Aspergillus , Alternaria and Penicillium Fungal Infestation in a Plaster Casts Collection’ by Ausrine Dambrauskaite and Arnold Truyen.

  • Saskia Brand-Gruwel has been appointed as an endowed professor at Maastricht University in the chair of 'Design of personalized learning arrangements.' She combines this role with her duties as a member of the Board of Directors of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.

  • As per 1 November 2023, UM’s Executive Board has appointed Dr Maja Brkan as endowed professor of Digitalisation and EU Law.

  • The Young European Research Universities Network extends a warm invitation to researchers and staff from Maastricht University and other member universities to submit their applications for the YERUN Open Science Awards 2023.

  • Pamela Habibovic, the Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University, has been this year’s named Top Woman of Limburg province. The announcement was made by the Topvrouwen Limburg foundation at their annual meeting in Venlo.

  • A new paper by Associate Professor Steffen Künn from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (forthcoming in the Review of Economics and Statistics) now provides novel evidence that providing unconditional financial support to encourage geographical mobility among unemployed job...

  • judith sluimer

    Fresh air

    Vascular biologist Judith Sluimer was appointed professor of cardiovascular pathophysiology in October 2020. In her inaugural lecture, she alluded both to the importance of oxygen in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels as well as to the ‘fresh air’ she believes academia is always in need...

  • Be it phishing emails or helpdesk employees who ask you to transfer money— digital crime is on the rise and is becoming even slicker. Artificial intelligence can play both a negative and positive role in this. On the one hand, new forms of cybercrime are emerging from AI; on the other hand, AI is...