
  • The International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (IMSF) today announced the award of the 2020 Thomson Medal to Maastricht University’s Prof. Ron Heeren and Prof. Alison Ashcroft of the University of Leeds.

  • “We need your help on Euregional cultural heritage!”
    Within the framework of the Terra Mosana project, student-researcher Ilse Palmaers, Maastricht University, developed a short questionnaire, which helps us to learn and understand the expectations of Euregional citizens regarding the aspects of...

  • I am sitting at my desk at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a safety precaution for myself, of course, but also an act of solidarity. Solidarity with experts and solidarity with informed decision makers.

  • Combining Work and Studies in the Conservation of Contemporary Art
    Julie Fassbender is administrative assistant at MACCH’s partner institute Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL). As one of the leading institutes in the field of conservation and restoration, SRAL fosters an environment of...

  • A conversation with Dr. Boris Blumberg, captain of MaastrichtMBA

  • PhD thesis written by Jonathan Huijts.
    This dissertation is about disadvantage compensation, in other words: compensation for lawful government action. This topic is currently regulated by dozens of laws and hundreds of lower regulations. 

  • The importance of UM’s Smart Start-up protocol.

  • The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and Elsevier announced that they have entered into a national agreement. Maastricht University and MUMC+ participate in this...

  • PhD thesis written by Renan Saraiva Benigno.
    Estimating eyewitness memory accuracy is crucial in forensic settings, given the need for efficient investigations and the negative consequences of erroneous testimony. In fact, mistaken identifications of innocent suspect have contributed to numerous...