
  • SBE’s Global Business course, led by Professor Boris Lokshin, examines and explores the opportunities and challenges that multinational companies face in a globalised world. This year for his class, Professor Lokshin decided to collaborate with the internationalisation department of Boxine GmbH, a...

  • In October 2020, SBE alumnus Benjamin Porten, together with business partner Lorenz Greiner, launched their new entrepreneurial venture Naughty Nuts GmbH. In this article, we cover their journey to launching a start-up in times of Corona. Benjamin also shares his top tips to guide other aspiring...

  • Researchers Jonas Heller and Hannes Rusch from Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE) have each been awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships to conduct their research. The fellowships are personal grants and are awarded to both promising and experienced...

  • Researchers from Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE) are involved in eight proposals for the European Commission’s Green Deal call, which was launched last year.


    Blog: Mind the gap!

    A recent study states that for women in procurement, the pay gap is 21% and that even increases to 35% for higher procurement positions. With no difference in performance in terms of quality, companies need to mind this gap!

  • Since January 2020, BISCI participates on behalf of Maastricht University in the research project Holland Robotics Logistics.

  • Research has shown that women are more heavily impacted by the corona crisis than men. In a timely response to this challenging reality, the Elinor Ostrom Fund five grants to female academics as part of its semi-annual grants programme. We reached out to the most recent grant winners to learn more...

  • For BISCI, 2021 will be a year full of opportunities to contribute to making supply chains more sustainable and digital.

  • In order to keep COVID-19 well under control, approximately 70% of the Dutch population would need to be vaccinated. There is sufficient support among the Dutch population for the introduction of a vaccination certificate to actively encourage people to be vaccinated. A vaccination certificate would...

  • Last year, we covered the story of two SBE students, Esther and Stan, who collaborated with external stakeholders to help create a prototype matchmaking platform for charities. Since graduating from SBE with degrees in Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets, both students have now taken on the...