
  • PhD thesis written by Paul Dermine.
    The main ambition of this research has been to determine if, and to what extent, the new economic governance of the Eurozone adheres to the founding constitutional guarantees of the EU legal order, namely those drawn from the rule of law principle.

  • "That's what I'm doing it for" is a new campaign by the national government in which young people / students are challenged to adhere to the COVID-19 measures so that they and we can soon resume "normal life".

  • In 2016 Marta Dávila Mateu, now a graduate of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, moved to Maastricht, a city completely unknown to her. Her choice turned out to be a double-edged sword. She found the lack of skate culture depressing, but enjoyed her studies, especially the focus on the...

  • Dutch nursing homes say they want to avoid closing their doors to visitors during the second coronavirus wave if there is an infection among residents. At the same time, they say they can’t guarantee there will be no more visiting bans.

  • De GGD Zuid Limburg, GGD Limburg-Noord, Provincie Limburg en Maastricht UMC+ starten vanaf vrijdag 23 oktober een onderzoek naar antistoffen en de verspreiding van het coronavirus in Limburg. De resultaten van het onderzoek geven straks belangrijke informatie voor inwoners, beleidsmakers én...

  • The Netherlands is a country of people with a trade instinct, but also with a moralistic side. However, this seems to be changed because of the COVID-19 crisis. A strong shared purpose would help procurement professionals navigate these ethical challenges accelerated by COVID-19.

  • On 21 October Floor van den Brand obtained her PhD with the Cum Laude predicate. She studied the effects of financial incentives for smoking cessation

  • Our BISCI colleague, Dr Ing Victor Verboeket, shares his experience of successfully defending his PhD titled 'Supply Chain Disruption: The Game-changing Impact of Additive-manufacturing'.

  • In this article, we spoke with two of the PhD candidates from the School of Business and Economics participating in the EU-funded project LIMES to find out what drew them to the project and to get an update on their research so far.

  • A sonic artwork, consisting of a collection of spoken messages, is the impressive result of a special project in the Euregion.