
  • A breakthrough in cultured meat research-animal component free production

  • In response to the societal challenges surrounding climate change, Maastricht University is sharpening its partner agreements. One of our goals is to stop cooperating with parties that obstruct the transition to a fossil-free, climate-neutral society - while at the same time encouraging cooperation...

  • Clinical epidemiologist and post-doctoral researcher Frits van Osch studied Epidemiology because of its strong focus on research methodology. Frits is excited to work with statistics, data and patterns at VieCuri Medical Centre and to pass on his knowledge to FHML students as a tutor.

  • Five NUTRIM researchers honoured with research appointments on Sector Plan Health – theme prevention. Dorus Gevers, Dennis de Ruijter (Health Promotion), Michelle Weijzen (Human Biology), Marcel den Dulk (Surgery) and Brenda Berendsen (Human Movement Sciences) receive a structural U(H)D appointment...

  • On 4 July 2023, Denise Petzold successfully defended her PhD at the Aula in Maastricht.

  • Over one and a half million for BePrepared consortium

    A consortium (BePrepared) of 12 universities, including Maastricht University
    (Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience), TNO, Pharos, Trimbos Institute and RIVM has received 1.6 million euros from...

  • On July 3rd 2023 a broad coalition of Dutch civil society organisations, labor unions and think tankslaunched a call for a social and sustainable European fiscal pact in public debate centre Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. The coalition argues that the current EU budget undermine social and...

  • For his project ‘Banking on democracy. Evaluating the democratic justifiability of money creation by commercial banks’, Janosch Prinz has received funding in round 4 of the Open Competition SSH XS pilot programme.

  • For his project 'ACCESS4ALL – Why is access to policymakers (not) equal for all lobbyists?' Iskander de Bruycker has received a Vidi grant of €800,000 from NWO. The grant enables him to develop his own innovative line of research and set up a research group.

  • Nienke Verstegen, researcher at De Forensische Zorgspecialisten, has conducted research on aggression within forensic care and its impact on patients and staff. On July 6, 2023, she will receive her PhD from Maastricht University with her dissertation 'Hurt people hurt people. Characteristics and...