
  • Casper Webers, post-doctoral researcher at CAPHRI, has been awarded a Kootstra Talent Fellowship (KTF).

  • Jessica Steinlechner and her research group at Maastricht University are making their contribution to discovering into the origin and future of the universe in the form of mirror coatings that will improve our ability to make such measurements.

  • On 29 June, our faculty hosted the mini-symposium and book presentation 'Restorative Justice through the Eyes of.... Reflections on restorative justice from 27 different perspectives' took place.

  • The investigation into the 2019 cyberattack has been successful. After a long and complex process, crypto currencies worth approximately €500,000 have been seized which may be made available to UM. If so, the money will be used to support students in need.

  • Writing a thesis can be a lot of fun, particularly when you choose a subject that’s related to your favourite hobby. For Kristian van Kuijk, an avid cyclist, it’s even led to a dream come true. He’s found an accurate way to predict the energy burned by a rider during a race. The algorithm has...

  • The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded four experienced researchers at Maastricht University a Vidi grant of EUR 800,000.

  • As part of the MORSE initiative, the Maastricht Observatory on Resilient, Responsible and Sustainable Society, Economy, and Enterprise, the second PhD workshop was organized on 21 and 22 June 2022. The workshop allows MORSE PhD students to present their current research process, their results, and...

  • Professor Kai Jonas is the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience’s first chair of “Applied Social Psychology with special focus on LGBTQI+ Diversity and Health”. In the run-up to his inaugural lecture, he reflects on difficult conversations, progress, and how he uses psychology to tackle the still...

  • "The first project recently started, in which we convert methane using plasma technology. The exciting experimental part will now really begin”.

  • Next week, Veerle Spronck will deliver her PhD conferral on new forms of participation in classical music. Veerle researched experimental concerts by philharmonie zuidnederland and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. She found that fundamental questions are asked in such projects...