
  • Lilian Tsourdi, currently Lecturer in International Human Rights & Refugee Law at the University of Oxford, has been granted a Marie Curie fellowship for doing research on “Financial Governance: Policy Implementation and Solidarity through EU funding”.

  • The inner-city faculties (led by FASoS) received the confirmation of finances for the Marie Curie COFUND trainingsprogramme LIMES.

  • Our MEPLI researcher, Monika Leszczynska, has received a Marie Curie incoming fellowship for doing research on “The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws”.

  • In the province of Limburg, there is a substantial number of major international logistics companies as well as a large number of logistics SMEs and start-ups. This is especially the case in the Venlo region. The logistics sector in the province is therefore of great importance. To maintain a...

  • The Executive Board of Maastricht University (UM) has appointed Prof. dr. Thomas Cleij as the new dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering.

  • In the soon-to-be completed first phase of ZonMw project "Making space for health in the city: towards a South Limburg knowledge agenda", knowledge gaps were identified about how our urban living environment influences health. A whole range of methods was employed. Let's highlight two methods that...

  • Raf de Bont received a Vici grant for his reseach project 'Moving Animals'.

  • On Friday 22 February 2019, METRO fellow Ancui Liu successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Regulating Genetically Modified Crops in View of Environmental Risks: China’s Implementation of International Obligations" at Maastricht University.

  • In the new European treatment guidelines for tinnitus, a therapy developed at Maastricht University (UM) has been designated as the only recommended treatment. It is a form of cognitive behavioural therapy that is currently offered solely by health care centres in Hoensbroek and Eindhoven.