
  • The newspapers are full of it, the skill gap. We have been trained for years, but the things that really make you better in your profession and are now useful, such as digital skills, were often not included.

  • Researchers at UNU-MERIT, the Maastricht Sustainability Institute and the Department of Chemical Engineering of Maastricht University have obtained a 1.5 million euro grant to contribute to an EU-funded project on plastic packaging recycling.  The EU is allocating a total budget of 9.6 million euros...

  • PhD thesis written by Amidou Yekini. This study on the law of climate change – illustrated by the case of Benin, a developing country exposed to the harmful effects of climate change – aims to highlight the effectiveness of climate law in this country. 

  • After 35 years at Maastricht University, Constitutional Law Professor Aalt-Willem Heringa will hold his farewell lecture on 25 March. Here he looks back on a successful career and ahead at the role of courts in the Netherlands and Europe.

  • A lower turnout than in previous years, but a relaxed, positive atmosphere and some glorious spring weather. For the first time in two years, the Master's Open Day was back on campus. Students, staff and the organisers agreed that this was another successful open day. The average rating for the...

  • Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE), the UM-led European University, puts students at the centre and invites them to co-create their curriculum and have a truly international study experience.

  • Annual Report 2021

    This Annual Report highlights the main activities of the Centre that were undertaken in the year 2021. 

  • From a small room in a quarantine hotel in New Zealand, UM alum Moniek Mestrom discusses the importance of emergency medicine and her experiences as a ship physician. Never has she felt so free as during expeditions to the Antarctic and Greenland.

  • Maastricht University and Radboud University’s teacher training academies are to intensify their cooperation to address the shortage of secondary school teachers. The joint workplace education programme will make it easier for existing and aspiring teachers in Limburg to obtain a teaching...

  • Anne Roefs was awarded a Vici grant of €1.5 million. The professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating, was tossing up between a career as a scientist or a top chef.