
  • The project leaders of the ITEM/ICGI project ‘Cross-border Corporate Mobility in the EU’ present empirical findings in their first report in the project. The report will provide a general and preliminary overview of empirical findings in the topic of cross-border corporate mobility within the EU.

  • During the annual Dies Natalis of Maastricht University 2018, four FASoS students received a prize for their bachelor’s/master’s thesis.

  • The results are in! In 2017 an International Review Committee evaluated the research in Psychology at nine Dutch universities. On 19 September 2017 it was the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience’s (FPN) turn to be reviewed according to the Standard Evaluation Protocol 2015-2021 (adopted by KNAW...

  • It is important for music academies to focus on the health of its students, according to Vera Baadjou, a PhD candidate at Maastricht University.

  • Claudia Egher, PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, wins IDS Vision Essay Competition

  • Increasingly, academic staff and students are looking beyond the boundaries of their specialisations and seeking collaboration with other disciplines. This is also the case at UM. People are realising that cross-fertilisation leads to new ideas and insights and can bring about other research methods...

  • GDPR

    The value of data

    In May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect. Applicable to the entire EU, its aim is to protect the individual rights of citizens while guaranteeing free and secure movement of personal data within the EU. According to André Dekker, professor of Clinical Data...

  • Bart Zwegers defended his PhD dissertation Heritage in Transition: Global and Local Challenges in Germany and the United Kingdom, 1970-2010 on Wednesday 7 February 2018. His supervisors are Prof. dr. Ernst Homburg and Dr. Jo Wachelder.

  • Placeholder

    Warm Sweater Day at UM

    This year, Maastricht University will again be participating in Warm Sweater Day on 2 February, a national day dedicated to saving energy. On 2 February

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    Thesis prizes

    Last Friday 26 January, we celebrated the 42nd Dies Natalis of the UM including presenting the thesis prizes.