
  • How can we ensure that customers feel comfortable during robot-enabled services? Because why would they otherwise keep using them? With our latest empirical study published in Service Business, we investigate whether human-like service robots make customers feel more or less comfortable. In addition...

  • Datawetenschapper Marijn ten Thij bestudeert menselijk gedrag aan de hand van berichten die worden gepost op sociale media.  De analyse van dit soort data is niet alleen maatschappelijk relevant, het kan ook individuele personen helpen die in psychische nood verkeren. 

  • INKOM started

    This week 3,300 students from Maastricht University and Zuyd University started their introduction week in Maastricht.

  • UNESCO has appointed dr. Andrea Broderick (Associate Professor International and European Law) as the new Chair holder (Professor) for the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Peace at Maastricht University from 1 September 2022. 

  • Everyone notices it: prices are rising. Inflation has not been this high in years.

  • What kind of animal was the dodo? And how did it die out? Palaeontologist and UM professor Leon Claessens tells about it in a short podcast of BNR Nieuwsradio.

  • “The European professional football industry is highly vulnerable to money-laundering schemes and major tax fraud, but people both inside and outside the industry are collectively looking the other way.”

  • The ESG rating, the hallmark that indicates that companies are conducting business in a socially responsible way, often appears to be a promise that only exists on paper. While large investors, such as Dutch pension funds, actually use it to make responsible investments.

  • The municipality of Maastricht is working on projects to create extra housing units in the city. Before 1 September 2022, 200 to 300 additional studios will be available at the Randwyck location in Maastricht. 300 more will become available until November. So, a total of about 600 homes will be...

  • For three years in a row, Steffen Künn and colleagues went to a seven-week-long chess tournament in Cologne to establish a link between levels of air pollution and cognitive performance. The somewhat alarming results were eagerly scooped up by the media, but it took even more data to convince the...