
  • Did you know that even our four-legged friends have a climate impact? Professor Pim Martens states: It’s the products we buy for them that need a closer look. How can you minimize the carbon pawprint?

  • Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank van de Baan and Dirk Ruwaard won the ‘Best International Paper Award’ from the Healthcare Management division at the Academy of Management and the ‘Best ECR Paper award’ from the Society for Studies in Organizing Health Care. 

  • In women trying to conceive, 1-3% experience repeated miscarriages. For more than 50% of these women, a cause for the miscarriages has yet to be found. New research from Maastricht University (UM) and the Maastricht University Medical Centre+ (MUMC+) shows that the immune system’s Natural Killer (NK...

  • During the Weekend of Science, scientific institutions across the Netherlands open their doors to visitors between the (approximate) ages of 8 and 88. Maastricht University warmly invites you and your family to visit the Faculty of Science and Engineering on Saturday 01 October.

  • Maastricht University is about to add a new bachelor’s programme to its portfolio: Computer Science. The programme kicks off in September 2023.

  • Chocolate is the most widely eaten candy in the world. What makes it so irresistible? Two experts from Maastricht University share their knowledge.

  • PhD thesis written by Natália de Lima Figueiredo.
    In the international arena, there is a strong rhetoric against a type of industrial policy measure called local content requirements (LCRs). They are often characterised, especially by developed countries, as protectionist measures. 

  • In the light of numerous recent disruptive events, the (economic) sustainability of cross-border supply chains receives increasing attention in public debates. Consequences of natural disasters, political power games or an enduring pandemic become widely felt, even when countries are not directly...

  • New publication in Dutch about the effects of the energy transition and climate policy on labour market frictions

  • Our PhD candidate Esther Boudewijns has been nominated for the Albert Schweitzer Prize 2022 with the project 'Cooking should not kill'!