
  • In recent years, there has been quite some debate surrounding the value of rakings. So the question is: do university rankings really matter that much? Fair question. In this article, SBE’s Dean Mariëlle Heijltjes and SBE’s Associate Dean Gaby Odekerken weigh in on the subject.

  • During the 2023 ERS International Congress in Milan (Italy), the ERS presented the ERS Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 to Professor Martijn Spruit.

  • And how can it be counteracted? According to Luc van Loon, you can become a bodybuilder even after age 80. 'But the disadvantage of our dynamic muscles is that you also lose them quickly when you start using them less. Maintaining muscles is an active process. You have to keep stimulating them.' NUT...

  • A breakthrough in cultured meat research-animal component free production

  • On 1 April 2022, the GreenFood4Health Challenge took place at the Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo. The winning team: Anastasia Kalalidou, Einar Schulze, Vanessa Klose, Inês Brito Da Mana Morgado and Saja Alowaisi (Fontys), master students of the MSc Health Food Innovation Management at Maastricht...

  • How do we involve citizens in the sustainability transition? When do they start participating? What solutions could reliably count on wide public support and how do we find these? What implications could such an approach have for governmental practices? What barriers do sustainable solutions...

  • From 10 to 15 September 2018, the cross-border and multidisciplinary Euregio Summer School in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion was organised for the first time. 45 students from higher education institutions and representatives from knowledge institutes in the Euroregion came together with one goal: to...