
  • The European Commission has awarded €23 million to set up a new platform for drug repurposing: the use of existing drugs in diseases other than those for which they were originally developed. In the next seven years UM will develop the platform REPO4EU (precision drug REPurpOsing for Europe)...

  • The International Council on Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety (ICADTS) has released new guidelines summarizing the most recent research on cannabis-impaired driving.

  • Prof. dr. Ron Heeren received the prestigious Thomson Medal for his work in the field of mass spectrometry.

  • Researchers at the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i) have collaborated on a study to improve small intestine organoids. The new organoids also contain Paneth cells and are therefore a complete representation of the human small intestine.

  • “The European professional football industry is highly vulnerable to money-laundering schemes and major tax fraud, but people both inside and outside the industry are collectively looking the other way.”

  • The ESG rating, the hallmark that indicates that companies are conducting business in a socially responsible way, often appears to be a promise that only exists on paper. While large investors, such as Dutch pension funds, actually use it to make responsible investments.

  • Time-restricted Eating (TRE), also known as a form of intermittent fasting, is a new strategy that limits the period of food intake, and maintains a regular cycle of eating during the day followed by a prolonged period of fasting in the evening and at night. Recent research by Patrick Schrauwen and...

  • A research done at Maastricht University shows why women choose to undergo cosmetic surgery and ignore the associated physical and psychological risks. Surprisingly, this is mostly not so because they are insecure about their looks, but because they believe ‘looking pretty’ makes them more...

  • On 15 July, Maastricht University and GGD Zuid Limburg will say goodbye to Professor Maria Jansen. For many years she has worked to promote health policy with a closer alignment between research and practice. In her farewell speech, Jansen advocates a stronger role for government in improving public...

  • The Dutch universities, universitties of applied sciences and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science signed an administrative agreement on 14 July 2022. In doing so, they focus on strengthening the foundations of research and higher education, provide space for diverse talent and increase...