
  • The cause of young-onset dementia is often assumed to be genetic. Researchers from Maastricht University (UM) and the University of Exeter have now identified 15 factors associated with an increased risk of developing dementia at a young age, some of which people can influence themselves.

  • Symptoms of gluten sensitivity are partly to do with people’s expectations, if celiac disease and wheat allergy have been excluded as causes. Recent research at the universities of Maastricht and Leeds shows that the expectation that gluten causes gastrointestinal complaints plays a crucial role in...

  • In their current election campaigns, almost all political parties stress that ‘every region matters’. Party manifestos are full of plans to promote broad prosperity in all regions of the Netherlands. Broad prosperity comprises not only material wealth, but also well-being, including issues such as...

  • Two consortia led by CAPHRI researchers Dr. Rowan Smeets and Prof. Dr. Gera Nagelhout have received a Science Communication grant from the National Science Agenda (NWA). The aim of the projects is to bring science and society closer together.

  • Ending the HIV epidemic for those most impacted: women in sub-Saharan Africa. That’s the goal of a collaborative project between Dutch and African researchers. The Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Aidsfonds recently allocated more than six million euros to fund their plans for the SPIRAL project.

  • To reduce the imposition of short prison sentences in the Netherlands, experts are arguing for the inclusion of electronic detention in the Criminal Code as a possible punishment. A partnership led by Maastricht University and the Dutch Foundation for Restorative Justice is submitting a so-called...

  • 27 September 2023, Brussels | “The green transition in mobility is going well, but it could be a lot better. Until 2040 and 2050, the infrastructure we need to build, will be impossible to achieve on an individual level.” With this conclusion, Turi Fiorito director of the European Federation of...

  • SBE Academics created and successfully tested a practitioner's guide for asset managers & asset owners. The guide has helped financial institutions like Nationale Nederlanden, Pensioenfonds Detailhandel, and more in assessing the sustainability preferences of their clientele. 

  • Nienke Verstegen, researcher at De Forensische Zorgspecialisten, has conducted research on aggression within forensic care and its impact on patients and staff. On July 6, 2023, she will receive her PhD from Maastricht University with her dissertation 'Hurt people hurt people. Characteristics and...

  • Twee wetenschappers van Universiteit Maastricht (UM), Keri Vos en Iskander de Bruycker, krijgen een Vidi-beurs van €800.000,- voor hun onderzoeksprojecten.