
  • The covid pandemic brought pressure to bear on many things. Neurology professor Karin Faber and assistant professor of Healthcare Management Daan Westra look back on a turbulent time.

  • On 1 April 2022, the GreenFood4Health Challenge took place at the Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo. The winning team: Anastasia Kalalidou, Einar Schulze, Vanessa Klose, InĂªs Brito Da Mana Morgado and Saja Alowaisi (Fontys), master students of the MSc Health Food Innovation Management at Maastricht...

  • A team of students from the Maastricht University Campus Venlo joined the Dutch Ecotrophelia finales 2020 and won the first prize with an alternative snack made from sustainably cultivated shiitake mushrooms.

  • Due to an acute shortage of organ donors, hundreds of people die each year in the Netherlands and Belgium alone. One large group of potential donors may not even be aware that they can donate their organs: people who opt for euthanasia. For his PhD research, Jan Bollen studied the issue of organ...