
  • During her Master's in Digital Cultures at the Faculty of Social Arts and Sciences, Nada Naguib participated in a unique collaborative digital museum project in the halls of Centre Céramique, Maastricht's city library and centre for art, culture and education. Initially a mandatory course...

  • Are you a student at Maastricht University and do you want to play an active role in addressing societal challenges such as inequality, poverty, and climate change? Submit your proposal now for your Global Citizenship Education project and win up to €3,000 to make it a reality!

  • EDLAB – Maastricht University Centre for Teaching & Learning is looking for five students to join the EDLAB Student Advisory Board (ESAB)!

  • With the project 'About not being an Einstein', made possible by a grant from the Diversity & Inclusivity Office, Anke Smeenk wants to ensure that being gifted is more widely recognised at Maastricht University.

  • Simon Cornelissen isn't only attending the master's programme in Medicine. In addition to his busy curriculum, he is also an ensign with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and a working student at the Defensity College. Watch the video.


  • The UM research institute GROW and the Maastricht UMC+ Oncology Centre and have together been accredited as a Comprehensive Cancer Centre by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).

  • “It was an exciting day and a great learning experience, especially given the time pressure, the intensity of the challenge and having to work with a new team,” said Apoorva Shankar, looking back on this year's NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition 2020.

  • Students from our Master's in Public Policy and Human Development (2018-19) marked the end of their course at a festive ceremony in Sint Janskerk, Maastricht.

  • Three students on our Master’s programme in Public Policy and Human Development took part in a conference in Malta, held on 17-20 April 2019 by the Douzelage European town twinning association within the Europe For Citizens programme.

  • The CaRe Award 2018 has been awarded to Ben Wijnen. Wijnen won the prize for his PhD dissertation Pleidooi voor betere meetinstrumenten voor mensen met epilepsie; zelfmanagement bij patiënten met epilepsie kosteneffectief (‘Call for better measurement instruments for people with epilepsy: self...