
  • In their new collection of essays, Het hart op de tong, René Gabriëls, Sjaak Koenis and Tsjalling Swierstra argue that emotions are indispensable to democracy.

  • They support women with legal problems on a voluntary basis, collect money to recycle waste to make light sources, set up social enterprises, or work for global health. There are many ways in which students at Maastricht University go the extra mile. Not just for their CVs, but to put their ideals...

  • Carla Greubel, Master's student ESST won the 2018 Thesis Award.

  • Lea Smidt, alumni MSc European Studies winner of the UM 2018 Thesis Award and the Daniel Heinsius Prize for the best MA thesis in political science.

  • UM’s commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its aim to be a sustainable university by 2030 is taking shape. Green shoots are visible everywhere - metaphorically that is; winter continues as scheduled…

  • Penros and students

    The Road to Maastricht

    What would you ask someone who, in the words of the organizers, played a major role in the story of science in the last 70 years?

  • Big Volunteer Day

    Volunteer for a day

  • Teun Dekker, the political philosopher and first professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education in Europe, turns every lecture into a performance. The goal: reaching his students. Thursday 31st January he will deliver his inaugural lecture.

  • De Fascinatievolger interviews Dr. Ronald Westra about physics at UM and discusses the upcoming visit of Sir Roger Penrose (podcast in Dutch).

  • They support women with legal problems on a voluntary basis, collect money to recycle waste to make light sources, set up social enterprises, or work for global health. There are many ways in which students at Maastricht University go the extra mile. Not just for their CVs, but to put their ideals...