
  • gideon koekoek

    Physics booming at UM

    Maastricht University is gearing up to conduct more research in the area of fundamental physics. “The aim is to put UM on the map as a physics institute, in the eyes of other researchers as well as the general public,” says Gideon Koekoek, who joined UM’s research group on gravitational waves in...

  • Six months after its introduction, companies and other organisations are still grappling with the new EU privacy law. And they’re beginning to feel the need for a new type of manager to steer the process within their organisation. The European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity will be training...

  • On invitation of the Rapporteur Matthijs van Miltenburg, Martin Unfried of expertise centre ITEM participated in an expert panel about a cross-border mechanismorganised by the ALDE Group on 18 October 2018.

  • In order to cope with labour market shortages and abundances in the area of child care work it has been proposed that Dutch child care workers be employed across the border in Germany. However, recognition procedures have proven to stand in the way of the swift labour market access of Dutch child...

  • Executive Board sets up steering group

  • The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports has responded in a letter to the House of Representatives, which has ensured that a recommendation from the report Grenswerkers in Europa (frontier workers in Europe) has been resolved.

  • If you can’t persuade official funding bodies of the merit of your research proposal, is crowdfunding a viable alternative? Here, Chahinda Ghossein-Doha and Marieke Hopman talk about their experiences with crowdfunding.

  • A first document has been published as part of the B-Solutions project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions”. The goal of the project, submitted by the Province of Limburg (NL) as lead applicant and carried out by Expertise Centre ITEM, is to...

  • The project entitled REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES) will address the topical question as to how to protect health and safety of persons and the environment whilst promoting innovation.

  • Wary of resting on its ‘leading in learning’ laurels, UM commissioned research into the practices, problems and potential of Problem-Based Learning – all with a view to formulating a vision for the future.