
  • Join us for a conversation with one of the West’s leading thinkers on America’s place in the world, Ian Buruma, on his new book The Churchill Complex.

  • Wat betekent de uitslag van de Amerikaanse verkiezingen voor de relatie tussen de VS, Europa, Nederland en Limburg? Dat is het centrale thema van AvondGasten Europa op dinsdag 24 november met Prof. Roberta Haar.

  • In her thesis: 'Modelling the Dynamics in Time Series of Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Data' O'Donovan focused on a range of computational approaches that allow multivariate time series of biological data to be integrated, analysed, and interpreted.

  • Maastricht University researcher, Jordy Saya, working at AMIBM is one of the 24 lucky ones whose research project 'Learning from Nature to Synthesize Peptides and Proteins' was honored by NWO.

  • What can we learn about the health claims that manufacturers make about foods by applying data science?

  • Eighty years ago, DSM opened its central laboratory for fundamental research in Geleen. Now the old lab is part of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus. This coming fall, the Festival Feel the Chemistry will look back on eighty years of innovation and will also look ahead to the future. Maastricht...

  • The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a KLEIN-1 grant to Dr. Steven Kelk. He will explore the mathematics behind shrinking the sometimes impossibly huge evolutionary trees.

  • The Grensmaas project has been running since 2008 and is the largest river restoration project in The Netherlands.

  • The research collaboration LIGO/Virgo, which leads global research into gravitational waves has presented another major discovery.

  • Placeholder

    Don't stop me now

    Dr. Kateřina Staňková and Prof. Yvonne van der Meer each secured millions of euros in research funding during UM’s cyberattack. What was that like? And how does the post-Brexit, pandemic reality now affect them as newly-established coordinators of European research networks?