
  • If we were to replace plastic with paper or glass, would the environment benefit? Surprisingly, no, says professor of Circular Plastics Kim Ragaert. She is calling for an alternative approach aimed at increasing awareness of and knowledge about recycling.

  • Simon Schick (27) a PhD Candidate at Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM). He lives together with his fiancé in Dusseldorf. Simon is currently working on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie BioBased Value Circle Project.

  • On International Women and Girls in Science day we like to highlight some of UM's women in science.

  • Lex Greeven, PhD candidate at the department for Gravitational Wave and Fundamental Physics wins poster prize at NWO Physics@Veldhoven

  • The first ICAI Lab in the region – the ICAI Brightlands Smart Health Lab – is committed to making breakthroughs in patient care by developing and deploying artificial intelligence.

  • Professor Yvonne van der Meer is investigating how companies can improve the sustainability of their products. She analyses every material, exposing the lifecycle in its entirety.

  • Two large consortia of Dutch companies and knowledge institutes in the mobility and transport sector will receive 47 million euros in government funding to realize breakthroughs in electrification and hydrogen applications in automotive, maritime and air transport.

  • Photo impression of the ETpathfinder opening on November 8, 2021.

  • The Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen recently turned five, which called for a celebration. A double commemoration in fact, since not only was it the campus’ fifth anniversary, the AI-hub Brightlands also celebrated its official opening.

  • Professor of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Nava Tintarev will be a co-investigator and chair for the integration of humanities and social sciences in ROBUST, a consortium applying for an NWO grant with a total budget of 95M (25M from NWO) to carry out long term research into reliable...