
  • "I am proud that our new Circular Plastics group published its first completely in-house research," Kim Ragaert says. She founded the research group three years ago, when she moved to Maastricht. Her work has laid the foundations for many innovations in the field of plastic recycling, and she is...

  • Gerco Onderwater investigates the flavour of the universe while guarding the flavour of the Maastricht Science Programme. On 31 May, during his inaugural lecture, he provided a pre-taste of his work in Maastricht. 

  • Lee Bouwman, a vascular surgeon and endowed professor of Clinical Engineering, specialises in the implementation of groundbreaking healthcare technologies. The key to success, he says, lies in the collaboration between engineers and clinicians. This approach has already resulted in a range of...

  • Researchers from across the world have mapped the genetic relationships of the majority of flowering plant genera. Maastricht University helped with this massive effort, which completes the evolutionary tree of life of plants like never before. The famous scientific journal Nature published their...

  • On April 19, during her inaugural lecture, Anna Wilbik explained how we can squeeze out the whole potential of data to the last drop.

  • Wim Vriezen seeks science that has a significant impact on society. Because, despite climate change, the rising global population must continue to eat. Vriezen was recently appointed as professor of Plant Functional Genomics at Maastricht University's Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • Kim Ragaert and SublimeStone students won the public's awards given out during the Engineer of the Year contest. This triumph as well as the nomination of both, by the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers, demonstrates that Maastricht University, particularly its only five-year-old Faculty of...

  • The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers has nominated engineer Kim Ragaert and student team SublimeStone for the award of best Dutch engineer and best Dutch student team in 2024. Both are among the last three finalists in their respective categories. Do you want the best engineers to win? Now is...

  • Kim Ragaert, Professor of Circular Plastics at Maastricht University, is one of three candidates for the Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs 2024. The same goes for the SublimStone student team. As finalists, they have a serious chance of being awarded the title of Engineer or Student Team of the Year by...

  • Adriana Iamnitchi’s career appeared like a bed of roses. She served as a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. Nonetheless, she sought out new challenges and moved to Maastricht, where she focused her research on social media.