
  • After years of meaningful work at our university, Prof. Fons Coomans gave his farewell address to the Faculty of Law on 2 September, where he examined important human rights questions. How do they impact our daily lives? And how do they affect people on a personal level? Will future generations...

  • Technology can increase as well as decrease inequality in education. That is the conclusion of professor of education Carla Haelermans of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) in Maastricht. She conducted years of research on the subject and will deliver her inaugural address...

  • Simbiat Oladoja, a food scientist and entrepreneur from Nigeria and Gabriel Gonçalves, a Brazilian chemical engineer, are just two of the non-EU top talents selected for a UM Brightlands Talent Scholarship. They will research their master’s thesis on one of the Brightlands campuses in Limburg.

  • Do you sometimes think ‘I would like to belong somewhere’ as a student at UM? Or are there times when you feel lonely? Since September 2021 you are welcome at the UM community (UMc). A community run by students for students that wants to make sure all UM students feel at home here and have company.

  • Maastricht University (UM) is imposing heavy sanctions on student association M.S.V. Tragos due to incidents that took place during the association's introduction period. Funding for the association’s board and the subsidy provided by UM will be withdrawn.

  • For three years in a row, Steffen Künn and colleagues went to a seven-week-long chess tournament in Cologne to establish a link between levels of air pollution and cognitive performance. The somewhat alarming results were eagerly scooped up by the media, but it took even more data to convince the...

  • Our liver is a special organ: if you cut away part of it, in most cases a new piece of liver will grow back. If someone has cancer in the liver, the affected part of the liver can be surgically removed. But you can only do this if at least 30% of the liver remains. For many patients whose remaining...

  • A Global History of Hungary, 1869-2022 is a comprehensive book that presents the country as an open society interacting with other nations, mainly within Europe.