
  • Migratierecht en -beleid gaan veelal uit van een eenheid: verblijf en ‘bezigheid’ — werk, studie/stage, onderzoek, et cetera — in één land. Maar diezelfde eenheid levert problemen op in de grensstreken. Niet zozeer voor EU-burgers, die het ‘recht op vrij verkeer’ hebben, maar wel voor zogenoemde...

  • During the last edition of TEDxMaastricht, which took place on 17 October 2016, three UM staff members gave an inspiring TED talk within the theme ‘A matter of perspective’. 

  • World diabetes day

    Preventing diabetes

    On this day exactly 125 years ago, physician Sir Fredrick Grant Banting was born. Together with Charles Best and John Macleod, Banting discovered that insulin could be used to treat diabetes.

  • One of the obstacles is the recognition of professional qualifications. Therefore, ITEM is announcing its intention to carry out a feasibility study about creating a “cross-border professional recognition card”.  The final “cross-border professional recognition card” would be a tool developed to...

  • The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM, established in 2015, has the important objective to identify the effects of laws and regulations for border regions. Therefore ITEM launched its Cross-border impact assessment in 2016. The results of this...

  • After 35 years in Maastricht and 42 years in the world of academia, René de Groot officially retired on 14 October 2016. How does this international expert on nationality law look back on his career? And what does the future hold?

  • On 23 September 2016 professor Maarten Vink, Co-Director of MACIMIDE and a member of the ITEM Academic Office, addressed the Committee of the Regions of the European Union during the 10th Meeting of CIVEX in Oviedo, Spain.

  • The Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM is pleased to announce that mr. drs. Alexander Hoogenboom has joined ITEM as scientific coordinator as of 1 September 2016.

  • She will not be presenting a 10-step plan for Maastricht University today – she can hardly be expected to know all the ins and outs of the place yet. But she has been around the world of higher education long enough to know there is room for improvement. And as the youngest female rector in the...