
  • Het Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM is per februari 2017 op zoek naar versterking van haar team in de vorm van:  Stagiaire communicatie; Stagiaire 'Event organizer ITEM'; Stagiaire (1.0 fte) (Monitoring Service Grensoverschrijdende...

  • Leading up to the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, UM organised three 'Europe events'. A photo report of these events can be found at the bottom of this page.

  • Alexander Hoogenboom, scientific coordinator at ITEM, is the winner of the Ius Commune Prize of 2016. Alexander Hoogenboom won the 2016 Ius Commune Prize for his paper ‘In Search of a Rationale for the EU Citizenship Jurisprudence’. The prize was awarded at the 15th Ius Commune Conference on 24...

  • Migratierecht en -beleid gaan veelal uit van een eenheid: verblijf en ‘bezigheid’ — werk, studie/stage, onderzoek, et cetera — in één land. Maar diezelfde eenheid levert problemen op in de grensstreken. Niet zozeer voor EU-burgers, die het ‘recht op vrij verkeer’ hebben, maar wel voor zogenoemde...

  • On the occasion of the inauguration of the completely renovated Skillslab on 24 November, the director, an instructor and two students discuss the ins and outs.

  • It was the first time that mothers Karolina Dam and Nicola Benyahia spoke to an audience of five hundred about their sons, who got killed in Syria after joining Isis.

  • University College Maastricht is the #1 bachelor's programme in the Netherlands for the second time.

  • During the last edition of TEDxMaastricht, which took place on 17 October 2016, three UM staff members gave an inspiring TED talk within the theme ‘A matter of perspective’. 

  • For the fourth time in a row our Bachelor Knowledge Engineering received the Quality Seal “Top Rated Programme” from Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs 2017!

  • Assistent professor Jacques Claessen (Faculty of Law) is a proponent of ‘restorative justice’, someone who believes in the power of mediation in criminal cases. 16 November marks the International Day of Tolerance – an opportune time to highlight the difference between ‘severe’ and ‘smart’...