Brightlands news

New CEO Astrid Boeijen’s ambitions go beyond Limburg

Last summer, Astrid Boeijen followed Bert Kip up as CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen. After three years in the same position at the sister campus in Heerlen, she got off to a flying start in her new position. “The campus in Geleen is bigger and more mature. At the end of the day however, all of the campuses stand for one goal: To continue to develop Limburg as a world-class innovative region and a leader in health, sustainability and digitalization.”

Chemistry as a first love

Brightlands Chemelot Campus has found an enthusiastic and ambitious CEO in Astrid Boeijen, that much is clear. She is an experienced administrator with a history of management positions at Maastricht University, a top manager at the Central Bureau for Statistics, three years as head honcho at the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen, and has now been fulfilling the same function at the Geleen campus for the past six months. The rapid shift to Geleen did not come as a surprise to everyone. “I studied chemistry in Amsterdam and got my PhD in Utrecht. My move to the Brightlands Chemelot Campus meant a return to my old love: chemistry. I had a great time in Heerlen, but when Bert Kip announced his retirement, I started talking to people. The ability to make a direct contribution to the transitions to a sustainable and circular economy, surrounded by labs and factories with all of their researchers and specialists, held a tremendous appeal for me. The fact that this campus is located adjacent to Chemelot’s industrial park offers a unique combination. At the same time, I still feel a close connection to the Heerlen campus. Each of the four Brightlands Campuses has its own spearheads, but we do work together very closely. To the outside world, we are that one ecosystem that is coming up with pioneering innovations within the themes ‘sustainable,’ ‘healthy’ and ‘digital.’ So it doesn’t really feel like a goodbye.”


Brightlands Chemelot Campus is a rapidly growing innovation community with many different large and small companies, organizations and specialists. My task is to keep connecting, drive collaboration, and take the step forward that will lead to successful innovations, faster. Both on and off this campus. It’s not too late to phase out fossil fuels, reduce emissions and spare our scarce resources through circularity. It’s incredibly dynamic and the bar has been set high. There is a permanent realization that we are doing groundbreaking work here.”

Text continues below photo.

Astrid Boeijen CEO

Economic boost

Around fifteen years ago, the Province of Limburg and Maastricht University decided to give South Limburg a new boost through the establishment of the Brightlands campuses. Together with co-founder DSM, the Brightlands Chemelot Campus was the first to launch, in 2012. “It’s still so amazing what has been accomplished since then. The combination of the four campuses is vital to economy and society in Limburg and therefore the entire country. Apart from the direct jobs and student population, there are thousands of indirect jobs at large and small suppliers and service providers. Does this increase the pressure on me? No, because I know why I am doing this and have people around me with the same mission and energy. I actually think that the flywheel helps us. Talent knows how to find us; students and experts from all over the world want to work here or start their company here. The opportunities in this region have changed. Take an initiative like the Einstein Telescope, for example; the whole world is watching.”


The Province of Limburg and Maastricht University renewed their commitment to the campuses last year. This also includes the finances, even though the Geleen campus is now self-supporting and distributes returns to the founders on their investments. “We’re focusing on continued growth and on the big issues in transition. Here in Geleen, we hope to grow to 5,000 jobs by 2030. This is indispensable for the Limburg economy. For Brightlands Circular Space, we will be expanding the campus to one and a half times its current size. The other campuses are also all full steam ahead. Together, we are more than the sum of four. We complement and strengthen each other. There are, of course, also challenges and trouble ahead in the form of regulations, funding and country borders. We need to strengthen our ties with Germany and Belgium since there is so much relevant knowledge and expertise there. We have to create even more connections with the regional business community. Show people what we do. And be proud; I can’t forget that part.”

Source: Brightlands newsletter

Campus Geleen

The Brightlands campuses in Venlo, Maastricht, Heerlen and Geleen are home to more than 350 companies and organizations, over 16,000 employees and 14,000 students. It is the most innovative region in the Netherlands, second only to Brainport Eindhoven.

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