MaastrichtMBA reclaims top spot in global MBA ranking

UMIO’s MaastrichtMBA ranks 13th globally according to CEO Magazine’s Global Executive MBA Ranking 2019. This top ranking reconfirms the high-quality level of education and the prominent global status of the MaastrichtMBA. UMIO is the executive branch of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics. The MaastrichtMBA is its part-time Master in Business Administration.

Showcase for top business schools

CEO Magazine   has been showcasing top business schools from around the globe since it first launched in 2008. In 2012, the publication launched its annual Global MBA Rankings, profiling MBA, Executive MBA and Online MBA programmes. This year, CEO Magazine reached out to business schools across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the BRICS, offering 292 different programmes in 25 countries.

Triple Crown status

Apart from their presence in global rankings, the MaastrichtMBA – as part of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics – is also accredited by the leading international quality assurance bodies: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. This “Triple Crown” accreditation confirms the high quality of the MBA research and education. With these quality signs, the MaastrichtMBA falls within the 1% of MBA schools worldwide that can claim Triple Crown status.

More information can be found on  .

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