Maastricht University in times of Corona

Dutch universities are actively working to combat the coronavirus in every possible way. They work together and look for solutions in this crisis. This is manifested in many different forms, from research to voluntary efforts, from distributing knowledge digitally, to donating equipment and material. Maastricht University is also making its contribution.

Experts at work

In all our six faculties, ideas are born and forces are joined aimed at combating the virus and its consequences. For example, doctors and scientists are developing models that can use algorithms to predict whether a patient infected with the coronavirus will have to be put on a ventilator or not. Work and social psychologists investigate the effects of the virus and the measures on work stress, health and well-being of employees. Lawyers analyze measures taken by countries in Europe that affect border regions. Economists investigate investor behavior on the financial markets. This is only a small selection. New projects are added every day.

Examples in E-Magazine

The Association of Universities (VSNU) bundled a series of these and other examples from research, education and special projects in the e-zine "Universities in times of corona”. These are glimpses of initiatives that are realized in collaboration with Dutch, European and international companies and partners. Some nice examples of projects from Maastricht University are included in this e-zine. More initiatives by UM and other Dutch universities can be found via twitter #connectuniversitiesNL.


On Friday 15 May 2020, VSNU chairman Pieter Duisenberg presented the e-zine "Universities in times of corona" to Minister Van Engelshoven of OCW. It contains a selection of all corona-related research and initiatives of Dutch universities.​

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