Maastricht about WOinActie

The Netherlands Education Minister has pledged to strengthen the leading position of Dutch research. This is a great ambition that we, as Maastricht University, would like to support with our education and research. To this end, we are working, among other things, on further developing our Faculty of Science and Engineering.

However, our efforts will only bear fruit if there are sufficient resources. For years, education and research have been underfunded. This has had negative consequences in terms of quality and work pressure. On the issue of the funding of higher education, a 'bottleneck analysis' has been drawn up within the framework of the Association of Collaborating Dutch Universities (VSNU). It has been presented to the Education Minister.

We would like to stress that we are worried about education across the board: from primary schools to academic education. In order to stay at the top, we will have to invest in the entire education system. So far, funding has been too limited and too patchy across the entire education spectrum.

The UM Executive Board therefore understands why the educational unions are calling for action. The Board will give staff and students wishing to join the national day of action on 15 March the opportunity to do so. They do not need to take an extra day off. The university will remain open on the day and any teaching staff who want to continue their work or take over lectures will be facilitated as much as possible. The Executive Board is therefore urging all UM departments to ensure that proper arrangements are made with their staff so that students who wish to attend lectures are given timely and correct information.

Should there be a large contingent of UM staff and students wishing to travel to the day of action, the Executive Board will discuss additional options to facilitate this.

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