Looking for UM students for coaching and homework guidance of Maastricht high school pupils

Match for Brighter Futures focuses on creating equal opportunities for young people in Maastricht and is looking for Dutch-speaking students. Are you available for 3 hours a week and do you want to have a real positive impact on the future of Maastricht’s youth? Then we are looking for you!


  • would like to inspire students to dream big,
  • would like to coach students to take the first steps towards realizing their dreams and ambitions,
  • want to contribute to improving the learning performance of students and increasing their self-confidence, self-reliance, meaning, inspiration and motivation.

These are our requirements:

  • you are available 3 hours a week,
  • you are a college or university student,
  • you speak Dutch.

We offer you:

  • to have a real impact on young people in Maastricht,
  • the opportunity to improve personal and social skills,
  • a preparatory workshop in which the following themes are discussed: how do you teach a student to learn, what are the most effective learning styles, how do you guide youngsters to their strength, interest and talent development, and how do you inspire them,
  • regular fun activities for our volunteers.

The tasks belonging to this role:

  • inspiring students and fulfilling a (light) coaching role in order to encourage students to think big, to find out what their dreams are, and to stimulate them to do something with those dreams,
  • assisting students with their homework and / or helping to develop organizational skills,
  • ensuring a pleasant atmosphere of respect, trust and empowerment in homework guidance and placing the guidance in a context of "I am fully confident that you can achieve everything in your life". Support is only given when the student indicates that he or she needs support.

You can apply for this project by sending an email to brighterfutures@matchmaastricht.nl

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