
  • The violence in Israel and Palestine affects many people. We want to extend our sympathy to anyone affected in any way by these intensely sad events.

  • A mere four out of every ten young children in the Netherlands eat enough fruit and vegetables, and the number of overweight children in this country is rapidly increasing. Kokkerelli believes this needs to change, and is conducting research on hot, vegetable-rich school lunches combined with...

  • Saturday’s Bachelor's Open Day was a success, with more than 3000 prospective students flocking to our six faculties. The event also attracted a significant online audience. Equally impressive: the good vibes and the high rating our programme presentations received, averaging at 8.9.

  • EU integration is the dream of a Europe without borders. Belgian and German border territories are an integral part of the daily lives of thousands of people in Maastricht. While there are no more passport controls, differences in legislation still complicate the European dream. Martin Unfried and...

  • Agroforestry carbon farming projects have multiple benefits on a local and global scale. By looking at one project in Uganda, participating in the Acorn programme, this blog explored how additional income links to gender equality and women´s empowerment.

  • Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that affects three to five percent of the population over the age of 50, and is a condition that not infrequently results in blindness. The condition usually indicates that the eye pressure is (significantly) elevated. Eye drops and laser treatments usually work...

  • Is an elephant in Artis Zoo just as “wild” as an elephant on the African savannah? What place do animals have in a world that is increasingly shaped by humans? Why does the presence of a few wolves in the Netherlands trigger so many negative emotions, while Dutch people donate money en masse to...

  • Together with Ania Molenda from Het Nieuwe Instituut, Costas Papapdopoulos has been awarded an NWO museum grant of €50,000 for the research project ‘Unfolding the Archive: New Dimensions of Access to Born-digital Architecture Collections’.

  • On 27 September 2023, the Globalization & Law Network hosted Chiara Armeni, Professor of Environmental Law at Université Libre de Bruxelles, who presented her paper entitled “Inequalities and environmental justice in the EU climate transition”.

  • To reduce the imposition of short prison sentences in the Netherlands, experts are arguing for the inclusion of electronic detention in the Criminal Code as a possible punishment. A partnership led by Maastricht University and the Dutch Foundation for Restorative Justice is submitting a so-called...