Guest lectures in China and Taiwan

Guest lectures in China and Taiwan

While in Beijing teaching Competition Law at the China-EU School of Law (with Caroline Cauffman), Niels Philipsen gave two guest lectures: one at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) and one at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE).

Also in November 2019, Marjan Peeters was invited to give a guest lecture at National Taipei University in Taiwan.

Guest lecture Niels Philipsen at CUPL

The first guest lecture by Niels Philipsen (on 4 November) was at the CUPL School of Law and Economics, on the topic of economics of private regulation. The audience consisted mainly of students and staff of the L&E programme in Beijing.

Guest lecture Niels Philipsen at CUFE

The second lecture (on 6 November) took place at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) and was on a competition law topic. The event was organized by Prof. Tao Wu. The audience consisted of many students, PhD researchers (including METRO fellow Qian Wu) and former CESL students, as well as two distinguished commentators: Zhaoqi Cen (Zhonglun Law Firm) and Qiang Xue (Jones Day).


Guest lecture Marjan Peeters at NTPU

This is the poster announcing Marjan Peeters' guest lecture on climate change regulation, at National Taipei University in Taiwan.

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