Globalization & Law Network seminar with Ane Aranguiz

On 11 October 2023, we had the pleasure to host Dr Ane Aranguiz, Assistant Professor of European Labour and Social Security Law at Tilburg University, who gave a talk entitled “Combating social exclusion in the EU, what role for EU law?”

Starting from an analysis of the data on poverty in the EU and the Union’s policy objectives in fighting against poverty, Aranguiz focused on the constitutional framework for Union anti-poverty action and its evolution. Her (forthcoming) paper investigated, in particular, the role of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) as a possible game-changer in the fight against poverty and the enhancement of Social Europe. The research examined, in particular, two recent acts adopted to implement the principles in the EPSR: the Minimum Wage Directive and the Recommendation on Minimum Income. Whereas Aranguiz highlighted the Union's progress in prioritising the social dimension, she also pointed out the shortcomings of focusing too narrowly on wage transparency to fight in-work poverty and on active labour market inclusion and employment law as the tools to combat social exclusion, while leaving a more holistic approach in the shadow, on top of relying all too often on soft-law instruments, such as the Minimum Wage Recommendation.

The ensuing discussion with the members of the Globalization & Law Network concerned the constitutional and political constraints and challenges for Union anti-poverty action and possible paths for future action.

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