First Service Robot Inspiration Session Hosted by MCR

On Friday, October 15, the Maastricht Center for Robots organized its first inspiration session. During the session, industry experts, SBE researchers and students co-created key insights on how to implement service robots successfully in contexts such as hospitality and healthcare. Industry partners gave live demonstrations of their robots and students presented the main implications emanating from their thesis and course projects. MSCM-researchers of the Maastricht Center for Robots shared the impactful results of their latest research publications. Besides inspiring presentations, the event was full of interesting discussions around questions such as “How do service robots impact the customer experience?” and “How can human employees and service robots perform optimally as a team?”

The Maastricht Center for Robots seeks to stimulate the adoption and implementation of service robots, thereby having a sustainable impact on customers, patients, employees, organizations and society at large. It aims to do so by bringing together various stakeholders from the quadruple helix (industry, government, knowledge institutes and citizens) and synthesizing research, education and impact. 

In case you are inspired to join forces with the Maastricht Center for Robots or if you are interested to learn more, get in touch: 


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