Faculty of Law UM runner-up in international finals ICCC 2022

The international finals of the International Client Consultation Competition took place from April 19 through 23. Host was Swansea University in Cardiff, Wales. Unfortunately, the competition was completely online. However, the Dutch team, consisting of first year (!!!) European Law school students Dylan Andrian and Vinca Poerawinata (see picture), did extremely well.

Law_finals ICCC 2022

After leaving everybody (six countries) behind them in the first three rounds, they also won their semi-finals against Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the end, they only had to bow for the Canadian team, but not after being praised abundantly by the international jury. We congratulate the team and their brilliant coach Agustín Parise on this excellent result!

And what about next year? In 2023, the international finals will be hosted by our faculty! On campus! We can assure you that this is an event you do not want to miss, so stay tuned!

 Read more about this competition

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