Centre for European Research in Maastricht (CERiM) awards two prizes

The Centre for European Research in Maastricht (CERiM) awarded two prizes in the academic year 2019-2020 to appreciate efforts to integrate research and teaching, and to reward outstanding interdisciplinary research.

The two categories are:

1. Communicating Europe Award for Research-Teaching Integration
This award is dedicated to an individual or group who has taken great efforts to integrate research and teaching in the field of studies on Europe (broadly defined). Possible contributions range from involving students in discussions about existing (or on-going) research, to academic staff integrating research into their teaching practice or the engagement of students in on-going research.

Award winners in this category:

  • Dr. Aline Sierp & Dr. Vincent Lagendijk (FASoS): “Research Master European Studies – History Track”
  • Dr. Afke Groen & Dr. Patrick Bijsmans (FASoS): “FASoS Teaching & Learning blog”
  • Ms. Pauline el Khoury: “EuroTeachers”

2. Communicating Europe Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research
Increasing specialisation has resulted in further fragmentation of expertise, limited engagement across disciplines and research traditions, and even duplication of similar research. Bridging or transcending disciplinary boundaries therefore becomes ever more important and can be achieved in research, in the design of curricula or through public discussion and debate.

Award winners in this category:

  • Dr. Ferenc Lazco (FASoS) & Dr. Luka Lisjak Gabrijelcic (Budapest University): “The Legacy of Division: East and West after 1989”
  • Dr. Diane Fromage (European Central Bank): “The ECB’s accountability in a multilevel European order”

More information can be found on the CERiM website.


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