Bram Akkermans Appointed TPR Visiting Chair

M-EPLI associate director and Associate Professor of European Private Law Bram Akkermans has been appointed to the TPR Visiting Chair for the academic year 2017-2018 at the Catholic University of Leuven. During the upcoming academic year Bram will hold several lectures and plan other activities at KU Leuven.

The TPR Visiting Chair is an initiative by the Flemish “Journal of Private Law” (Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (TPR)). Every two years, two Dutch or two Belgian academics are appointed visiting professor at universities in either Belgium or the Netherlands respectively. There is also a special TPR Visiting Chair to a South African University. Since 1998, more than 40 Belgian-Dutch and 7 South-African TPR Visiting Chairs have been established.

We are very proud of this achievement and we wish Bram the best of luck.

Bram Akkermans

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