Better balance thanks to Zweit Veur Leid

175 students, employees and sponsors of Maastricht University participated in Zweit Veur Leid last Sunday. The charity run opened with a spectacular warming up in the Geusselt Stadium and followed a stretch of Maastricht's green mile. 

The University Fund Limburg raise funds for a project entitled 'A Chance for Balance; focusing on people with severe vestibular problems'. Under the supervision of emeritus professor Herman Kingma, a balance belt has been developed that helps patients who experience these complaints to move about freely and without any problems.

With the money raised, almost €22.000, three people can permanently wear the belt. The funding will also be invested into making the belt more accessible. This is the fourth consecutive year that the academic community and Maastricht University's sponsors participate in this charity run and start off the year in a healthy and socially involved manner.

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