In Memoriam Prof. Bram Beek

With great sadness, we have received the news that Bram Beek, emeritus professor of Administrative Organisation, has passed away at the age of 83.

From 1987 until his retirement in 1997, Bram has been with the Department of Accounting and Information Management at the School of Business and Economics. He was one of the founders of the post-doctoral training for chartered accountants. From 1989 to 1992, important years in the faculty’s expansion, Bram was dean of the faculty. Both roles were made for Bram. He liked setting up and expanding projects with others. He was a master at motivating and challenging others to develop further. He combined a respect for different points of view while clearly expressing his expectations. He could ask critical questions without being negative.

Bram was a very enthusiastic and committed person. Academics or not, people could always approach him for advice or a good conversation. If Bram sensed someone was too timid to ask for advice, he himself would take the initiative. His letters had garnered nationwide fame: in a distinct staccato style, he asked questions, gave advice, pointed out delays, and expressed his hope that issues would be resolved swiftly. In the absence of an answer, a friendly reminder followed soon.

With his grey hair, moustache, and loud voice, Bram cut a striking figure and commanded awe from students and colleagues. He was quick to point out his West Frisian roots and armed forces background. He never forgot to mention his wife Tienke in discussions about the set-up of organisations, importance of collegiality, and safeguarding of integrity.

We are losing a very involved and warm colleague in Bram. He has meant a lot to our students and teachers. He attached great importance to knowledge transfer in the form of textbooks, but also by acting as a role model. In the latter case, it was natural for him as a professor to contribute to the community as a volunteer, or as a member of an advisory board.

The School of Business and Economics and UM are very grateful to Bram Beek for his role in developing the faculty. We wish Tienke, his children and his family a lot of strength.

On behalf of the Executive Board, Prof. dr. Martin Paul

On behalf of the School of Business and Economics, Prof. dr. Peter Møllgaard