Mark got a job through the Labour Market Participation Act: ‘I have found my niche here. I enjoy going to work every day.’


Giving people at a distance from the labour market a chance to work, that is the approach of a Dutch law passed several years ago. These are often people who are able to work well, provided they are properly supported. To achieve the best match between employer and employee, staff from the UM Staff Career Centre mediate between university departments and various national and regional organisations. Mark Coumans is a perfect example of a great match.

Mark Coumans (38) is a caretaker at the Student Services Centre (SSC): ‘I have found my niche here. It is actually much more varied than I thought it would be. I enjoy going to work every day.’

Mark is keen to share his story because he is grateful to have been given the opportunity to work at the SSC. ‘I have ADHD’, Mark tells candidly. He ended up on disability, even though he had seized every opportunity to work. For instance, he trained as a website developer and did that work for a short time. However, long days behind a computer screen turned out not to be for him; Mark prefers to be active. ‘I also regularly applied for jobs on my own, but that didn't result in anything long-term. And that's what I wanted, because it brings peace and stability. Then I got in touch with the university through Jobstap, a job coaching agency. I had an introductory interview with Marlies (building manager of the SSC) and it clicked immediately. She is also a bit hyper, like me; her colleague, one the other hand, is very calm. That works well. I have learned to be a bit calmer’, he laughs.

Varied work
The position of caretaker offers a various range of tasks. Mark: ‘I have to be easily approachable for people with questions, and that suits me well. I like dealing with people. My previous jobs soon felt like a grind, but that is not the case here. The work is very varied, in a nice environment with great colleagues.’ Marlies adds: ‘Mark is my right-hand man, especially when it comes to ICT. He is very handy at that. I see what his strengths are and we make the most of them together.’

Future prospects
Administrative tasks, on the other hand, suit him a little less. ‘But’, says Mark, ‘I get the chance to learn and improve. I also see a future here. By the time Marlies retires, I hope to be able to take over her role. In the coming years, I want to work on the competences needed for that. When I started here, I never thought that I would get this far; I have really found my niche.’


If your department could also benefit from support, please contact Anita Meijers and Yvonne Lenoir (co-ordinators of the Labour Market Participation Act) at email:

Look here for more information: (only in Dutch).


H'The work is very varied, in a nice environment with great colleagues.’