Leniency Committee Cyber Attack

In view of the possibility that students have suffered a disadvantage or damage as a result of the cyber attack at Maastricht University, the Executive Board has decided to temporarily set up a Leniency Committee with the aim of creating clarity for the student as quickly as possible. Students can apply to this committee with a request for compensation.

The Leniency Committee only accepts requests for compensation in disadvantage or damage that are directly related to the cyber attack. The Leniency Committee will advise the Executive Board on the submitted request. In principle, the student will receive a decision from the Executive Board by email within 4 weeks after receiving the request.

  1. Who can submit a request that includes a request for leniency?
    Every student with an active registration between 23 December 2019 and 31 January 2020 at Maastricht University who has suffered a disadvantage or damage as a result of the cyber attack.
  2. How can a request be submitted?
    Fill in the ‘Application Form Leniency Committee Cyber Attack’. Send this completed form to the Complaints Service Point (CSP), attn. Leniency Committee Cyber Attack, p.a. Student Services Centre, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht. Add in a separate attachment:

    A. the specific request for compensation,
    B. the substantiation thereof (grounds request),
    C. as much proof as possible of disadvantage or damage (scope).

    Submitting is also possible digitally: complaintsservice@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
  3. During which period can I submit a request?
    A request for compensation for damage or disadvantage must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than two months after the damage or disadvantage has become known. A request can be submitted up to 31 August 2020 via the CSP.