Hannes Ratte, MSc European Studies

Hannes is from Germany, has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Bonn and decided to come to Maastricht for the research master’s programme in European Studies.

“I am particularly interested in the European Union and international relations, but after my bachelor’s I missed the tools for in-depth analysis and research. That is why I chose this particular two-year research master’s programme because there is a substantial focus on methods, statistics, data analysis and so forth. I want to learn all I can about ‘Europe’, but I also want to be able to research a problem, collect data and analyse it in order to come up with solutions. As this is a two-year programme, there is plenty of opportunity for personal development too. After I graduate, I would like to work in Brussels as an analyst or researcher, for a European institution or perhaps a think-tank. I will definitely apply for my six-month internship there. This was another reason to come to Maastricht. When I visited Brussels during my bachelor’s studies, I noticed that many people, who worked there, had studied at FASoS. So, this is definitely the best place to start your career!”

Hannes Ratte
November 2019

Hannes was Student ambassador during academic year 2019-2020
 Watch his ambassador video