Gabriel Noguera Vich, MA Arts and Heritage

My name is Gabriel, I’m from Mallorca but I’ve been living during the last years in Barcelona where I did my Bachelor in Arts History.

After graduation I felt that the pure historical approach which I learned in my Bachelor was not enough so I applied for the Master in Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management, and Education.
I’m very happy with the program because it helped me to discover new methodologies and fields related to arts and culture which I never had the chance to explore before. At the same time this master provides you with a solid practical skills base to get hand on and start working in the field. We have also met many professionals like art marketers, gallerists, museum educators, project managers… These meetings have been very inspiring to us.
I’m not sure yet about what will I do after the master. My short term plan is to do an internship in the educational department of a cultural institution. I’m eager to work with experienced people and apply all what I learned in a real working environment!"

Gabriel Noguera Vich
December 2017