Financial matters

Tuition fees

University College Maastricht charges a higher tuition fee than other bachelor’s programmes in the Netherlands for EU/EEA students as UCM is intensive, small scale, offers personal attention and an academic community.

For the actual tuition fees, please see the bachelor program University College Maastricht pages

Please note that the UCM tuition fee is subject to annual increases of about 4% per year, due to general inflation and other increased costs. The updated amounts are published on this website as soon as they have been set.

Important notes:
The tuition fee does not cover books, accommodation and other living expenses.
 The tuition fee can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments. Paying in instalments is only possible if you have a Dutch bank account.
 In case you enrol in February your payment also starts as of February (so not the whole academic year).
 To find out which tuition fee applies, use the click model of Maastricht University.  

Information on how to finance your studies, including a waiver procedure, can be found on this page.

UCM scholarships

UCM offers scholarships during the September intake only. UCM Scholarships are awarded to five applicants who are invited to attend University College Maastricht.

Applicants who are eligible for the UCM scholarship are highly qualified, low-income students coming from a non-EU/EEA country who do not hold an EU/EEA passport. Scholarship applicants must be accepted to the Liberal Arts & Sciences programme of UCM for the September intake. Please note that current UCM students cannot apply for this scholarship.

The UCM scholarship is awarded for the duration of the Bachelor's programme, with a maximum of 36 months.

Annual amount of the UCM scholarship 2016-17

Tuition fee € 10.000 Arranged and paid by UCM
Visa costs € 300 Arranged and paid by UCM
Insurance € 500 Arranged and paid by UCM
Living expenses per month € 500 Paid by UCM
Housing   Arranged and paid by UCM

To apply for this scholarship, applicants must fill out and upload the application form by January 5th, 2016. Scholarship applications have to be uploaded in the category ‘Apply for Scholarship’ in MyUM. Scholarship applications received by email will not be taken into consideration. Applicants are informed about the decision in writing around March.

Financing your studies

There are various options for students to find help with paying their fees and expenses.

Loans and Government Maintenance Grants

The Dutch government offers financial support for university students. Dutch nationals receive a monthly maintenance grant as well as a public transportation pass. Dutch students whose parents have low incomes are eligible for additional grants.

Under certain conditions EU/EEA students are also eligible for several grants and loans.

The Dutch government offers Dutch and EU/EEA students loans at subsidized rates and on favourable terms to pay their tuition fees. This includes the higher UCM tuition fee. For more details please check the website of DUO.

Applicants invited to attend UCM who apply for the DUO loan may contact the UCM Office of Admissions as they can provide a letter confirming the higher tuition fee at UCM. This letter can only be provided once a student has been invited to attend.

Waivers for increased fee paying EU/EEA students
Applicants who are unable to pay the UCM tuition fee may apply for a waiver by uploading a letter stating the reasons for their inability to pay together with official documentation of their financial situation (recent (parental) tax-return or statements of personal wealth).

Waivers must be submitted simultaneously with the application. Waiver requests received after the application deadline or separate from an application cannot be processed.

The UCM Board of Admission reviews all waiver requests during the application procedure and informs the applicant on its decision as soon as possible. Requests for waivers are rejected if applicants have:

Personal funds available
 Parents or guardians who are able to support them financially
 Access to maintenance grants.
 Access to subsidized loans.

University College Maastricht offers scholarships for students who have to pay the non-EU/EEA tuition fee. Please see our scholarship page for more information.

Useful links
The Global Study Awards  

Student Jobs
Some students support their studies by taking a student job. The College and the University employ a number of student assistants as promo-teamers, administrative assistants, computer helpdesk personnel, research assistants and alike. Such jobs are usually for 8 hours a week. Furthermore, there are several student employment agencies in Maastricht that can help you get jobs outside the university.

Living costs

Living expenses are not covered by the tuition fee and University College Maastricht is not in a position to grant its students any form of financial aid.

All applicants must make sure that they have sufficient funds to cover all living expenses before commencing their studies. More information on financing your studies and estimated living costs can be found here.