Faculty of Law

Konrad Kollnig

On January 28th, Konrad Kollnig, assistant professor in the Law & Tech Lab of the Law Faculty, was awar

Vlaai met koffie

'Limburgse vlaai' has been officially recognized by the European Union, making it a prot

07 Feb

"Opening the black box of victim-offender mediation: Does participation in VOM reduce offenders' risk of reoffending and, if so, how?"

02 Mar

De Abraham de Pinto-competitie heeft de bedoeling studenten kennis te laten maken met het belang van mondelinge communicatie met cliënten (rechtzoekenden, rechtvragenden) voor een adequate uitoefening van het juristenvak. De competitie doet dit door teams van twee studenten, beiden in de rol van advocaat, te confronteren met simulatiecliënten in een intakegesprek. Jury's bestaande uit een rechter, een advocaat en een (ervarings)deskundige op het gebied van cliëntgesprekken, beoordelen de teams.


PhD thesis written by Patrick Naaktgeboren


What is it like, being the first generation to go to university? We are talking about this topic with various UM students.

11 Jan

"Private partnerships in early modern Antwerp (1621–1791)"

02 Feb

A lecture-discussion in a panel setting will take place to stimulate the debate on this important topic by bringing together distinguished experts from both legal practice and academia. The invited and confirmed speakers are Marcin Matczak (Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Warsaw), Sacha Prechal (Professor of Law at Utrecht University, and Judge at the European Court of Justice), as well as Dr. Matteo Bonelli of Maastricht University.

26 Jan

This event intends to unpack and discuss the legal accountability challenges resulting from this case-law, reflecting on whether there is a way to address the accountability gaps created by the novelties posed by the emerging structure of EU integrated administration, within the current system of EU judicial remedies. The discussion will also go beyond the question of legal remedies, shading light on whether more flexible accountability avenues, such as internal structures like the Consultative Forum and the Fundamental Rights Officer (FRO), or external bodies, such as the European Ombudsman, have the potential of improving Frontex’s fundamental rights accountability.

29 Jan

The 13th Pension Seminar provides guidance on how to implement the WTP and make pension agreements adequate and fair at the social partners' negotiating table. A compass for those involved to find their way together in this terra incognita.