Faculty of Law


The Court of Justice of the European Union stops the planned tax.

Remco van Rhee en de Barentszee_

Richard Chancellor, the English Willem Barentsz, discovered the North Cape during the first English expedition to attempt to find a north

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The student team of the UM Faculty of Law reached the semi-finals of the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition.

Maja_brkan news interview

Maja Brkan appeared on Slovenian national TV in an interview for the programme 'Slovenia and Europe'.


The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (hereafter: A-G) E.

Scriptieprijs 2019 jury-en-mevrouw-croes

On 14 May 2019 the jury of ‘Stichting Beer impuls’ awarded the 2019 thesis prize to author Valérie Beulen and the winning

On the eve of Europe Day, to celebrate awareness and cooperation in Europe, ITEM (UM) and UHasselt signed their cooperation covenant.


On 8 May, the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) of Maastricht University (UM) and U