Faculty of Law


This year the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has granted 15 projects (of 34 submitted) to start exploring new and challenging


In an ideal European Union everyone should be able to work and study in a Member State of their choice.


As per 1 May 2020, a chair in European Data Protection and Privacy Law will be established at our faculty. The chair holder will be dr.


Mr.dr. Bastiaan Kemp has been appointed as endowed professor of Corporate Governance and Corporate Regulation as per 1 April 2020.

Marital Captivity blog Human Rights

For the research group led by Susan Rutten, professor of Islamic Family Law in a European Context at Maastricht University (UM), in recen

ITEM 2020 survey

The consultation round on the upcoming ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2020 has been launched.

Jacques Claessen portret

Jacques Claessen (Associate Professor of Criminal Law, UM Faculty of Law) will be appointed as endowed professor of Restorative Just

ITEM jaarconferentie

On 21 and 22 November, the fifth annual conference, so an anniversary edition, of ITEM took place in the Province of Overijssel.