Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Featured Human interest Researchers

‘Let's remember people for who they were’

We often know no more about war victims than their date of death and the way they died.


Jacob Ward, a researcher at Maastricht University, has been awarded a Veni research grant of up to 280,000 euros by the Netherlands Organ


Unlike China, Russia cannot rely on a thriving digital ecosystem of its own to replace Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Netflix.


Terwijl we beelden zien van een gebombardeerd kinderziekenhuis, worden Russen tussen afleveringen van ‘The Masked Singer’ bediend door st


High-level talks are taking place between Ukraine and Russia for the first time since the Russian invasion


Russische hackers hebben tientallen Nederlandse routers gehackt, scheef De Volkskrant.


Ukraine is traditionally presented as a buffer zone, sandwiched between East and West. And thus always a victim of history


The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University (FASoS) is organizing a so-called Wikithon to improve the visibility of