Dr Frank Thuijsman (F.)

Courses taught (in alphabetical order):

  • Algebra
  • Algebra: Relations and Groups
  • Analysis
  • Calculus
  • Calculus of Integrals
  • Calculus of Several Variables
  • Decision Theory
  • Decision Making under Uncertainty
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Dynamic Game Theory
  • Exponential, Logarit­mic and Cyclometric Functions
  • Game Theory
  • Games and Chance
  • Graph Theory
  • Introduction to Game Theory
  • Introduction to Knowledge Engineering
  • Linear Algebra
  • Logic and Countability
  • Logic and Mathematics
  • Magical Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathe­ma­tical Modeling
  • Noncooperative Game Theory
  • Operations Research
  • OR Case Studies
  • Stochastic Decision Making
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Teaching Mathematics
  • Quantitative Methods