30 Mar 31 Mar

Workshop: Education Economics 2017

This workshop seeks to explore the use of economic and econometric techniques to study educational issues. We invite the submission of original research from colleagues working in the area. We especially welcome research which applies identification strategies as difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, static and dynamic choice modeling, (non-)parametric frontier models and structural equations. Both macro and micro-economic topics are of interest to this workshop. The workshop is organized by research center 'Leuven Economics of Education Research' (LEER) of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven.


Thursday, 30 March

Time Activity
08:45 Registration and coffee
09:15 Welcome by Kristof De Witte
09:30 Keynote 1
10.00 Room Change
10:10 Parallel Sessions
12:10 Lunch
13:30 Keynote 2
14:10 Parallel Sessions
16:10 Coffee Break
16:40 Keynote 3
17:10 Room Change
17:20 Parallel Sessions
19:20 End of Day 1
19:30 Dinner

Friday, 31 March

Time Activity
09:00 Presentation of LEER
09:30 Keynote 4
10:00 Room Change
10:10 Parallel Sessions
12:40 Lunch
14:00 End of Day 2



Keynote Speakers

Solvay Brussels School Economics & Management
Estelle Cantillon

Sandra McNally

London School of Economics

She is director of the Centre for Vocational Education Research at the London School of Economics. She is an associate editor of ‘Economics of Education Review’.

More about Sandra McNally

Daniele Checchi

University of Milan

His research interests include the economics of education, intergenerational mobility, labour market institutions and union density. He is an associate editor for Empirical Economics.

More about Daniele Checchi

Colin Green

Lancaster University

Colin Green is the editor in chief of ‘Education Economics’, associate editor of ‘Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation’. His research focusses on public economics.

More about Colin Green

Registration and Fees

The registration fee includes: entry for both days, conference package, lunches and coffee breaks for both days. Dinner on Thursday is optional (see prices below).

  • € 300, social dinner included
  • € 225, without the social dinner
  • € 125, for one day attendance without the social dinner

Please note that if you require an invoice, you need to contact Ann Van Espen before making your payment.

Participation fees are to be transferred to the following account of the KU Leuven:
KU Leuven, Krakenstraat 3, B-3000 LEUVEN KBC
Bank: BE09 4320 0000 1157, SWIFT/BIC: KREDBEBB.

References: name of the participant and the code: 400/0013/84210. Without this code we cannot trace your payment, please make sure it is included.
All bank charges and commissions are to be paid by the participants. Please inform your bank about this when ordering the transfer.

In case you would like to pay with credit card, please contact ann.vanespen@kuleuven.be

Your registration will only be valid after we have received your payment.

In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.